Picture Unit Info
Drop Ship Used to transport units incapable of flight. Will also be able to drop bombs.
Goliath An armored assault vehical. Will have multiple weapons including a flamethrower for close range, chaingun and missles.
Marauders The cheapest and weakest Terran ground attack unit. Will be produced only until more powerful units become available.
Science vessel Probably used to make technological advances by excavating ruins.
Wrath A small fighter ship, capable of space flight.
Vulture Could be another attack vehical or it may be the Terran resource gatherer.
Command center Probably where the resource gathering vessels are trained, and where resources are brought.
Power station Probably used to power the buildings, if there isn't enought power the will probably not function properally.
Barraks Alone it can probably train only the most basic attack units, marauders.
Machine shop Probably allows you to train armored units like the goliath.
Weapons plant Probably where weapons and armor are upgraded to make units more powerful.
Factory Probably required to train the most powerful units.

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